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What do you think OpenStack?


Apakah kamu ingin menjadi seorang CLoud Engineer? Jika jawabannya iya, maka kita perlu mempelajarin OpenStack dan Kubernetes. Di blog ini merupakan catatan pribadi dalam mempelajarin OpenStack. Mungkin kita pernah mendengarnya dan bertanya-tanya apa itu openstack atau bagaimana menggunakannya. Jika demikain anda berada di tempat yang tepat 👀😊 .Teman-teman bisa membacanya untuk mendalami terkait OpenStack. Pada blog ini, saya mempelajarinya dari berbagai sumber online course dan lain-lainnya.

Oke langsung saja, tanpa berlama-lama kita bahas!

OpenStack lahir dari sistem manajemen mesin Virtual NASA bernama Nebula.

Kita akan berbicara mengenai tentang 2 full-featured solutions: CloudStack and OpenStack.


OpenStack is a cloud operating system that is used to control and manage large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources within a data center. All the resources are managed through a dashboard and provisioned using a web interface.

OpenStack offers management for compute instances and storage while providing a common network.


  • Bare Metal
  • Virtual Machines
  • Containers


  • Block Storage
  • File Storage
  • Object Storage

Core Components

  • Horizon - A web based interface, horizon provides access for cloud administrators and consumers (tenants) to manage and provision resources.
  • Heat - The main orchestration project in OpenStack, Heat provides an orchestration engine that uses templates to run applications. It also integrates with configuration management tools such as puppet or chef.
  • Nova - A computer service, nove provides the ability to provision virtual machines, bare metal servers (with the help of ironic), and containers(limited).
  • Neutron - A software designed networking service, neutron provides IP address management, DNS, DHCP, load balancing, and security Groups. It is also able to integrate with various networking solutions.
  • Keystone - An identity service, keystone provides authentication and authorization to various services.

OpenStack supports many other services beyond its core functionality. Some of these sevices include web applications, web hosting, big data, and DBaaS (database as-a-service).


CloudStack by Apache is an open source product that is designed to deploy and manage large network of virtual machines. CloudStack is a full stack IaaS (infrastructure-as-a-service) solution for implementing a public cloud, private (on-premises) cloud, or both as a hybrid cloud solution.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Ini adalah model layanan yang paling fleksibel bagi pelanggan dalam membangun dan mengatur infrastrukturnya sendiri. IaaS memberikan kontrol penuh bagi kita untuk membangun infrastruktur server, seperti mesin virtual, penyimpanan, jaringan, dan sistem operasi.


  • Open-source
  • Full feature stack (IaaS)
    • Compute orchestration
    • NaaS (Network as a service)
    • Manage Storage:
      • Instances running on the hypervisor (primary)
      • Template, snapshots, and ISOs (secondary)
    • User and account management
    • Multi-tenancy
    • Native API (optional Amazon S3/EC2 compatible API)
    • Resources accounting
    • Web-based User Interface
    • Command-line tools
  • Support most hypervisors (i.e. VMWare, KVM, XenServer, XenCloud Platform, Hyper-V, etc).

The CloudStack architecture consists of the CloudStack management server and the resources that need to be managed. These resources can include storage devices, IP address blocks, hypervisor, and VLANs.

The management server is responsible for allocating and orchestrating the resources in the cloud deployment.

Management Server Overview

  • Runs in an Apache Tomcat container
  • Requires a MySQL database
  • Provides the web interface and API interface
  • Manages assignments of compute resources, IP addresses, and storage to virtual machines
  • Manages disk image (templates), snapshots, and ISOs
  • Provides central management of cloud deployment

A minimum installation of CloudStack requires a machine running the management server, and a machine acting as the cloud infrastructure (i.e.a hypervisor).
