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#2-Handcrafting a container image
- Authors
- Name
- Surya Harahap
- @suryaharahap18
Running your website from a pre-built base image will require a manual process to set up the container each time it runs. For repeatability and scalability, the container, and your website code should be made into an image.
In this lab, I will start with a base web server image, modify settings in the container for the website, and then create pictures from the container. I demonstrate the importance of small changes to your container, and how they affect your image. Lastly, you will use your new images to create containers to see your hard work in action.
Get and Run the Base Image
- Retrieve the httpd image:
docker pull httpd
- Run the image:
docker run --name webtemplate -d httpd
- Check the status of the webtemplate container:
docker ps
Install Tools and Code in the Container
- Log in to the container:
docker exec -it webtemplate bash
- Run apt update and install git
apt update && apt install git -y
- Clone the website code from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/linuxacademy/content-widget-factory-inc.git /tmp/widget-factory-inc
- Verify that the code was cloned successfully:
ls -l /tmp/widget-factory-inc/
- List the files in the htdocs/ directory:
ls -l htdocs/
- Remove the index.html file:
rm htdocs/index.html
- Copy the webcode from /tmp/ to the htdocs/ folder:
cp -r /tmp/widget-factory-inc/web/* htdocs/
- Verify that they were copied over successfully:
ls -l htdocs/
- Exit the container:
Create an Image from the Container
- Copy the Container ID:
docker ps
- Create an image from the container:
docker commit <CONTAINER_ID> example/widgetfactory:v1
- Verify that the image was created successfully:
docker images
- Take of the image size.
Clean up the Template for a Second Version
- Log in to the container:
docker exec -it webtemplate bash
- Remove the cloned code from the /tmp/ directory:
rm -rf /tmp/widget-factory-inc/
- Use apt to uninstall git and clean the cache:
apt remove git -y && apt autoremove -y && apt clean
- Exit the container:
- Check the status of the container:
docker ps
- Create an image from the updated container:
docker commit <CONTAINER_ID> example/widgetfactory:v2
- Verify that both images are now running:
docker images
- Delete the v1 image:
docker rmi example/widgetfactory:v1
Run Multiple Containers from the Image
- Run multiple containers using the new image:
docker run -d --name web1 -p 8081:80 example/widgetfactory:v2 docker run -d --name web2 -p 8082:80 example/widgetfactory:v2 docker run -d --name web3 -p 8083:80 example/widgetfactory:v2
- Check the status of the containers:
docker ps
- Stop the base webtemplate image:
docker stop webtemplate
- Verify that only the created containers are running:
docker ps
- Using a web browser, verify that the containers are running successfully: