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#3-Storing Container Data In Docker Volumes
- Authors
- Name
- Surya Harahap
- @suryaharahap18
Storing data in container images is one option for automating containers with data, but requires a copy of the data to reside in each container you run.
For static files, this can be a waste of resources. Each file may be no more than a few megabytes, but once the container scales up to handle production loads, those few megabytes can turn into gigabytes of waste.
Instead, I can store a single copy of a static file in a Docker volume for easy sharing between containers.
In this lab, I will learn how Docker volumes interact with containers. I would create a new volume and attach it to the container. I will then clean up the space left by the anonymous volumes automatically created by the container. Lastly, I'll explore backup strategies for volumes.
Discover Anonymous Docker Volumes
- Check the docker images:
docker images
- Run a container using the postgres:12.1 repository:
docker run -d --name db1 postgres:12.1
- Run a second container using the same image:
docker run -d --name db2 postgres:12.1
- Check the status of the containers:
docker ps
- List the anonymous volumes:
docker volume ls
- Inspect the db1 container:
docker inspect db1 -f '{{ json .Mounts }}' | python -m json.tool
- Inspect the db2 container:
docker inspect db2 -f '{{ json .Mounts}}' | python -m json.tool
- Create a third container using the --rm flag:
docker run -d --rm --name dbTmp postgres:12.1
- Check the status of the container:
docker ps -a
- List the anonymous volumes:
docker volume ls
- Stop the db2 and dbTmp containers:
docker stop db2 dbTmp
- List the anonymous volumes:
docker volume ls
- Check the status of the containers:
docker ps -a
Create a Docker Volume
- Create a Docler volume:
docker volume create website
- Verify that the volume was created successfully:
docker volume ls
- Copy the widget-factory-inc data to the website container:
sudo cp -r /home/cloud_user/widget-factory-inc/web/* /var/lib/docker/volumes/website/_data/
- List the copied data:
sudo ls -l /var/lib/docker/volumes/website/_data/
Use the Website Volume with Containers
- Run a docker container with the website volume:
docker run -d --name web1 -p 80:80 -v website:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs:ro httpd:2.4
- Check the status of the container:
docker ps
- In a web browser, verify connectivity to the container:
- Run a second container with the --rm flag:
docker run -d --name webTmp --rm -v website:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs:ro httpd:2.4
- Check the status of the containers:
docker ps
- Stop the webTmp container:
docker stop webTmp
- Check the status of the containers:
docker ps -a
- Verify that the website can still be accessed through a web browser:
Clean Up Unused Volumes
- Clean up the unused volumes:
docker volume prune
- Check the currently running containers:
docker ps -a
- Remove the db2 container:
docker rm db2
- Clean up the unused volumes again:
docker volume prune
- List the current volumes:
docker volume ls
Back Up and Restore the Docker Volume
Switch to the root user:
sudo -i
Find where the website volume data is stored:
docker volume inspect website
Copy the
.Back up the volume:
tar czf /tmp/website_$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M).tgz -C /var/lib/docker/volumes/website/_data .
Verify that the data was backed up properly:
ls -l /tmp/website_*.tgz
List the contents of the tgz file:
tar tf <BACKUP_FILE_NAME>.tgz
Exit out of root:
Run a new container using the website volume, and create a backup:
docker run -it --rm -v website:/website -v /tmp:/backup bash tar czf /backup/website_$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M).tgz -C /website .
Verify that the data was backed up properly:
ls -l /tmp/website_*.tgz
Switch to the root user:
sudo -i
Change to the /docker/volumes/ directory:
cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/
List the volumes:
ls -l
Change to the website/_data directory:
cd website/_data/
Remove the contents of the directory:
rm * -rf
Verify that the backups are still available:
ls -l /tmp/website_*.tgz
Restore the data to the current directory:
tar xf /tmp/<BACKUP_FILE_NAME>.tgz .
Verify that the data was restored successfully:
ls -l